Just thinking....
Maybe different options where configured to the volumes during update, that could make them unstable ?
ie: sharding or something else

On Sat, Feb 16, 2019, 13:26 Darryl Scott <dscott@umbctraining.com wrote:


I don't have ovirt-log-collector on my ovirt engine.  How can obtain?  I see a github repo to make file, I do not want to be making files on my ovirt-engine, just not yet, I could possible on weekend.

Where can I obtain the ovirt-log-collector?

From: Sandro Bonazzola <sbonazzo@redhat.com>
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2019 9:16:05 AM
To: Jayme
Cc: Darryl Scott; users
Subject: Re: [ovirt-users] Re: Ovirt Cluster completely unstable

Il giorno gio 14 feb 2019 alle ore 07:54 Jayme <jaymef@gmail.com> ha scritto:
I have a three node HCI gluster which was previously running 4.2 with zero problems.  I just upgraded it yesterday.  I ran in to a few bugs right away with the upgrade process, but aside from that I also discovered other users with severe GlusterFS problems since the upgrade to new GlusterFS version.  It is less than 24 hours since I upgrade my cluster and I just got a notice that one of my GlusterFS bricks is offline.  There does appear to be a very real and serious issue here with the latest updates.

tracking the issue on Gluster side on this bug: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1677160
If you can help Gluster community providing requested logs it would be great.


On Wed, Feb 13, 2019 at 7:26 PM <dscott@umbctraining.com> wrote:
I'm abandoning my production ovirt cluster due to instability.   I have a 7 host cluster running about 300 vms and have been for over a year.  It has become unstable over the past three days.  I have random hosts both, compute and storage disconnecting.  AND many vms disconnecting and becoming unusable.

7 host are 4 compute hosts running Ovirt 4.2.8 and three glusterfs hosts running 3.12.5.  I submitted a bugzilla bug and they immediately assigned it to the storage people but have not responded with any meaningful information.  I have submitted several logs. 

I have found some discussion on problems with instability with gluster 3.12.5.  I would be willing to upgrade my gluster to a more stable version if that's the culprit.  I installed gluster using the ovirt gui and this is the version the ovirt gui installed.

Is there an ovirt health monitor available?  Where should I be looking to get a resolution the problems I'm facing.
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