On Nov 19, 2017 11:05 PM, "Arman Khalatyan" <arm2arm@gmail.com> wrote:
hi Yaniv,
yes for sure I hit some cache in between but not the vm cache, it has a 4GB ram, with oflag=direct I get about 120MB/s

for the data analysis the cache is our friend:)

The backend is a lustrefs 2.10.x.
yes we have dedicated 10G on the hosts, where we can limit the vm interface to 10Gbit?

Define QoS on the NIC.
But I think you wish to limit IO, no? 

Am 19.11.2017 8:33 nachm. schrieb "Yaniv Kaul" <ykaul@redhat.com>:

On Sun, Nov 19, 2017 at 7:08 PM, Arman Khalatyan <arm2arm@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi, in our environment we got pretty good io performance on VM, with following configuration:
lustrebox: /lust mounted on "GATEWAY" over IB
GATEWAY: export /lust as nfs4 on 10G interface
VM(test.vm): import as NFS over 10G interface

[root@test.vm ~]# dd  if=/dev/zero bs=128K count=100000

Without oflag=direct, you are hitting (somewhat) the cache.

100000+0 records in
100000+0 records out
13107200000 bytes (13 GB) copied, 20.8402 s, 629 MB/s 
looks promising for the future deployments.

Very - what's the backend storage?

only one problem remains that on heavy io I get some wornings that the vm network is saturated, are there way to configure the bandwidth limits to 10G for the VM Interface??

Yes, but you really need a dedicated storage interface, no?

thank you beforehand, 

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