On Mon, Nov 23, 2015 at 7:39 PM, Christophe TREFOIS <christophe.trefois@uni.lu> wrote:

When creating a new data center, in oVirt 3.5 there is the options to have “local” or “shared” storage types.

Is there any resource out there that explains the difference between the two? The official doc does not really help there.

My current understanding is as follows:

In shared mode, I can create data domains that are shared between hosts in a same data center, eg NFS, iSCSI etc.
In lcoal mode, I can only create data domains locally, but I can “import” an existing iSCSI or Export domain to move VMs (with downtime) between data centers.

1. Is this correct or am I missing something here?

local means that the storage domain is local to a single host.
Using a local storage domain you loose different capabilities.
2. What would be the reason to go for a “local” storage type cluster?

It's just if you don't have or for any reason (single host, demo mode...) you don't any any shared storage technologies.
It was mainly used in all-in-one mode.

Thank you very much for helping out a newcomer :)
Kind regards,

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