Dear all,
I have just updated my ovirt installation, with self hosted engine,
from 4.4.5 to
Everything went smoothly and in a few minutes the system was back up
and running.
A little issue is still puzzling me.
I am asked to update from 4.5 to 4.6 the cluster and data center
compatibility level. When I try to issue the command from the
cluster config I get this error:
Error while executing action: Cannot update
cluster because the update triggered update of the VMs/Templates
and it failed for the following: HostedEngine. To fix the issue,
please go to each of them, edit, change the Custom Compatibility
Version (or other fields changed previously in the cluster dialog)
and press OK. If the save does not pass, fix the dialog
validation. After successful cluster update, you can revert your
Custom Compatibility Version change (or other changes). If the
problem still persists, you may refer to the engine.log file for
further details.
It's very strange because the config of the hostedengine is "plain"
and there are no constrains on compatibility version, as you can see
in this picture:

In any case, if I try to force compatibility with 4.6 I get this
Error while executing action:
There was an attempt to change Hosted Engine VM values that
are locked.
So I am stuck. Not a big deal at the moment, but sooner or later I
will have to do this upgrade and I don't know where I am wrong.
Can anybody give a clue?
Thanks in advance,
Andrea Chierici - INFN-CNAF
Viale Berti Pichat 6/2, 40127 BOLOGNA
Office Tel: +39 051 2095463
SkypeID ataruz