On Dec 24, 2019 02:18, Jayme <jaymef@gmail.com> wrote:
> If you can afford it I would definitely do raid. Being able to monitor and replace disks at the raid level is much easier than brick. With raid I’d do a gluster arbiter setup so your aren’t losing too much space. 
> Keep an eye on libgfapi. It’s not default setting due to a few bugs but I’ve been testing it in my ssd hci cluster and have been seeing up to 5x io improvement.  Also jumbo frames on those 10Gbps switches. 
> Someone else will probably chime in re the other questions. I believe the GUI can only deploy a three sever cluster then you have to add the remaining hosts afterward. 
> On Mon, Dec 23, 2019 at 5:56 PM <adrianquintero@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> After playing a bit with oVirt and Gluster in our pre-production environment for the last year, we have decided to move forward with a our production design using ovirt 4.3.7 + Gluster in a hyperconverged setup.
>> For this we are looking get answers to a few questions that will help out with our design and  eventually lead to our production deployment phase:
>> Current HW specs (total servers = 18):
>> 1.- Server type: DL380 GEN 9
>> 2.- Memory: 256GB
>> 3.-Disk QTY per hypervisor:
>>     - 2x600GB SAS (RAID 0) for the OS
I would pick Raid1 and split that between OS and brick for engine 's gluster volume

>>     - 9x1.2TB SSD (RAID[0, 6..]..? ) for GLUSTER.
If you had bigger NICs I would preffer RAID0. Have you considered JBOD approach  (each disk is presented as a standalone LUN from the raid array) ?
Raid 6 is waste for your SSDs (when you already have replica 3  volumes). Ask HPE to provide SSDs from different manufacturing batches.  I think that with SSD thee best compromise will be RAID 5 with replica3 for faster reads.

As the SSDs will be overwritten with the same ammount of data, there could be a situation where  all 3  from a replica set will be in predictive failiure (which is not nice) - that's why a raid 5  is a good option.

>> 4.-Network:
>>     - Bond1: 2x10Gbps
>>     - Bond2: 2x10Gbps (for migration and gluster)

Do not use Active-Backup bond as you will loose bandwidth. LACP (with hashing on layer 3+ layer4) is a good option, but it depends if your machines will be in the same LAN segment (communicating over layer 2 and no gateway inbetween).

>> Our plan is to build 2x9 node clusters, however the following questions come up:
>> 1.-Should we build 2 separate environments each with its own engine? or should we do 1 engine that will manage both clusters?

If you decide to split - you have less fault tollerance - for example loosing 3 ot of 18 is better than loosing 3 out of 9 nodes  :)

>> 2.-What would be the best gluster volume layout for #1 above with regards to RAID configuration:
>> - JBOD or RAID6 or…?.
RAID6 wastes alot of space
>> - what is the benefit or downside of using JBOD vs RAID 6 for this particular scenario?
>> 3.-Would you recommend Ansible-based deployment (if supported)? If yes where would I find the documentation for it? or should we just deploy using the UI?.
There is a topic in the mailing list about issues with ansible.It's up to you.
>> - I have reviewed the following and in Chapter 5 it only mentions Web UI https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_hyperconverged_infrastructure_for_virtualization/1.6/html-single/deploying_red_hat_hyperconverged_infrastructure_for_virtualization/index#deployment_workflow
>> - Also looked at https://github.com/gluster/gluster-ansible/tree/master/playbooks/hc-ansible-deployment but could not get it to work properly.
>> 4.-what is the recommended max server qty in a hyperconverged setup with gluster, 12, 15, 18...?
I don't remmember but I think it was 9 nodes for Hyperconverged setup in RHV.

>> Thanks,
>> Adrian

Best Regards,
Strahil Nikolov