
The setup keeps failing at "waitforhostup" with :

AIO: Validating CPU Compatibility...                              [ DONE ]
AIO: Adding firewall rules...                                     [ DONE ]
Configuring oVirt Engine...                                       [ DONE ]
Configuring JVM...                                                [ DONE ]
Creating CA...                                                    [ DONE ]
Updating ovirt-engine service...                                  [ DONE ]
Setting Database Configuration...                                 [ DONE ]
Setting Database Security...                                      [ DONE ]
Creating Database...                                              [ DONE ]
Updating the Default Data Center Storage Type...                  [ DONE ]
Editing oVirt Engine Configuration...                             [ DONE ]
Editing Postgresql Configuration...                               [ DONE ]
Configuring the Default ISO Domain...                             [ DONE ]
Configuring Firewall...                                           [ DONE ]
Starting ovirt-engine Service...                                  [ DONE ]
Configuring HTTPD...                                              [ DONE ]
AIO: Creating storage directory...                                [ DONE ]
AIO: Adding Local Datacenter and cluster...                       [ DONE ]
AIO: Adding Local host (This may take several minutes)...      [ ERROR ]
Error: Host was found in a 'Failed' state. Please check engine and bootstrap installation logs.
Please check log file /var/log/ovirt-engine/engine-setup_2013_03_08_14_17_42.log for more information


2013-03-08 14:22:43::DEBUG::setup_sequences::59::root:: running waitForHostUp
2013-03-08 14:22:43::DEBUG::all_in_one_100::303::root:: Waiting for host to become operational
2013-03-08 14:22:43::DEBUG::all_in_one_100::306::root:: current host status is: installing
2013-03-08 14:22:43::DEBUG::all_in_one_100::317::root:: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/ovirt-engine/scripts/plugins/all_in_one_100.py", line 314, in isHostUp
    raise Exception(INFO_CREATE_HOST_WAITING_UP)
Exception: Waiting for the host to start

2013-03-08 14:22:48::DEBUG::all_in_one_100::303::root:: Waiting for host to become operational
2013-03-08 14:22:49::DEBUG::all_in_one_100::306::root:: current host status is: install_failed
2013-03-08 14:22:49::DEBUG::all_in_one_100::317::root:: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/ovirt-engine/scripts/plugins/all_in_one_100.py", line 312, in isHostUp
    raise utils.RetryFailException(ERROR_CREATE_HOST_FAILED)
RetryFailException: Error: Host was found in a 'Failed' state. Please check engine and bootstrap installation logs.

2013-03-08 14:22:49::DEBUG::setup_sequences::62::root:: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/ovirt-engine/scripts/setup_sequences.py", line 60, in run
  File "/usr/share/ovirt-engine/scripts/plugins/all_in_one_100.py", line 300, in waitForHostUp
    utils.retry(isHostUp, tries=120, timeout=600, sleep=5)
  File "/usr/share/ovirt-engine/scripts/common_utils.py", line 1010, in retry
    raise e
RetryFailException: Error: Host was found in a 'Failed' state. Please check engine and bootstrap installation logs.

2013-03-08 14:22:49::DEBUG::engine-setup::1934::root:: *** The following params were used as user input:

I have the full log if required ?? Any help would be appreciated.

The options used were :

oVirt Engine will be installed using the following configuration:
override-httpd-config:         yes
http-port:                     80
https-port:                    443
host-fqdn:                     stphv01
auth-pass:                     ********
org-name:                      LOCAL
application-mode:              both
default-dc-type:               NFS
db-remote-install:             local
db-local-pass:                 ********
nfs-mp:                        /exports/iso
override-firewall:             None
config-allinone:               yes
storage-path:                  /vmfs/ovirt
superuser-pass:                ********


| RHCE | Senior Systems Engineer | www.vcore.co | www.vsearchcloud.com |