Hi Pavel,

I was testing an import of a Win 7 VM, though there are 2012 ones to import as well. Thanks for all those steps, I'll try them out.



On Thu, Jun 16, 2016 at 7:31 PM, Pavel Gashev <Pax@acronis.com> wrote:



I did import vmware VMs, but it was not an easy procedure. Last time I did it, there were the following issues:

* oVirt engine didn't support 32bit VMs. If you have a 32bit VM in vCenter, you are not able to see the list VMs to import.

* There were issues if you have a cluster in vCenter. I had to setup a proxy server to fix URLs on the fly, but then I've found a better way. See below.

* RHEL/CentOS virt-v2v does't support 2012 and greater. I had to use virt-v2v from Fedora.


Thus, if you want to convert it manually, the procedure is the following:

1. Install vdsm-hook-nestedvt on ovirt nodes, and reboot

2. Setup a VM with latest Fedora, install virt-v2v.

3. Mount your NFS storage inside v2v VM.

4. Move windows VMs to the same NFS storage.

5. Connect to vcenter using the following command:

virsh -c vpx://vcenter/Folder/Datacenter/Cluster/server?no_verify=1

6. Find windows VM using 'list' command, and dump config using 'dumpxml VMNAME/ID'

7. Edit the xml providing full path to vmdk images (see «source file=»)

8. Create appropriate VM in oVirt

9. Find new VM IDs using ovirt-shell

10. Make sure the source VM is stopped

11. Execute virt-v2v (make sure:

virt-v2v -v -x -i libvirtxml VM.xml -o vdsm -of qcow2 -os /nfs/b1b74392-8f46-4a25-aeef-5344ac692c73 --vdsm-image-uuid 368487a5-d7f2-43d2-bd61-d15abbc5c482 --vdsm-vol-uuid 2f56c6cd-a212-44e6-a792-447787f5b073 --vdsm-vm-uuid 421e93a8-33d2-fc0e-4cfc-ac45a35db8c9

12. Fix resulting disk pemissions (chown 36:36 / chmod 0660)

13. Now you can start VM in oVirt. Remove vmware tools, and install oVirt tools and drivers.


I hope this helps.


On 15/06/16 20:41, "users-bounces@ovirt.org on behalf of Cam Mac" <users-bounces@ovirt.org on behalf of iucounu@gmail.com> wrote:




I haven't had any luck using the oVirt GUI or virt-v2v (see earlier email), and I need to find a way to migrate quite a few Windows hosts (Windows 7, 2012, 2008, 2k3 etc) into my test oVirt cluster as a PoC so I can make a compelling case for getting rid of VMware. Using OVF files looks like a lot more manual work as compared to the GUI or virt-v2v, with their nice conversion features.


Any suggestions?



