I’m writing to follow up on my previous email. If you could let me know your Target Criteria wish to reach, so that I can get back to you with accurate cost, counts as well as few samples for your review.
Target Industry: _________________? (Any Industry)
Target Geography: ______________? (USA, UK, Australia, Europe and many more)
Target Job Titles: _______________? (CEO, CFO, Marketing Manager and many more)
I'm looking forward to your prompt response.
From: Niki Taylor [mailto:niki.taylor@secure-list.net]
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2018 5:43 PM
To: 'users@ovirt.org'
Subject: Potential Clients-NAKIVO partner
Hope you are doing well.
I was going through your website and I understand your company is an " NAKIVO Partner". Would be interested in reaching out to NAKIVO Partner user list for your Lead Gcceneration, E-mail Campaign, Telemarketing and other marketing initiative?
Specialties: - VM Backup, ESX(i) Disaster Recovery, VMware Backup, Hyper-V Backup, AWS EC2 Backup, Replication & Recovery Software, VM Backup up to Cloud and many more.
We are a data mining firm who can deliver you appropriate contacts for your requirement. Please let me know your target verticals in the below format, so that I can get back to you with accurate counts and other relevant details.
Target Industry:____________________
Target Job Titles:_____________________
Target Geography:____________________
Waiting for your prompt reply!
Niki Taylor
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