Yup - it's ovirt cluster version 3.3 with gluster 3.4.1

On Fri, Dec 6, 2013 at 3:11 PM, Kanagaraj <kmayilsa@redhat.com> wrote:

On 12/06/2013 07:55 AM, Andrew Lau wrote:
Because of a few issues I had with keepalived, I moved my storage network to it's own VLAN but it seems to have broken part of the ovirt gluster management.

Same scenario:
2 Hosts

1x Engine, VDSM, Gluster
1x VDSM,Gluster

So to properly split the gluster data and ovirtmgmt I simply assigned them two host names and two IPS. (ovirtmgmt) hvx.melb.example.net (gluster) gsx.melb.example.net

However the oVirt engine does not seem to like this, it would not pick up the gluster volume as "running" until I did a restart through the UI. 

The issue (possible bug) I'm seeing is the logs are being filled with http://www.fpaste.org/59440/13862963/

Volume information isn't being pulled as it thinks the gs01.melb.example.net is not within the cluster, where in fact it is but registered under hv01.melb.example.net

What's compatibility version of the clusters?

From 3.3 onwards, gluster-host-uuid is used to identify a host instead of hostname.



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