On Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 4:30 PM, Devin A. Bougie <devin.bougie@cornell.edu> wrote:
We have a hosted-engine running on 4.1 with an iSCSI hosted_storage domain, and are able to import the domain.  However, we cannot attache the domain to the data center.

The engine should import it by itself once you add your first storage domain for regular VMs.
No manual import actions are required.

Just to make sure I'm not missing something basic, does the engine VM need to be able to connect to the iSCSI target itself?  In other words, does the iSCSI traffic need to go over the ovirtmgmt bridged network?  Currently we have the iSCSI SAN on a separate subnet from ovirtmgmt, so the hosted-engine VM can't directly see the iSCSI storage.

No, a separate network for the storage is even recommended.

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