i want to disable ticket in spice protocol so i should use vdsm hook for edit xml. this is my script and i want to run in all vm, i mean i don't need custom probreties , no error found in vdsm log and vm is work but nothing happened for disable ticket i try another attribute as example  'type' i put vnc instend of spice and nothing happened stay  spice ....

what i must do ???

this my script:


import os
import sys
import hooking
import traceback

            domxml = hooking.read_domxml()
            graphics = domxml.getElementsByTagName('graphics')[0]
       sys.stderr.write('ticket: [unexpected error]: %s\n' % traceback.format_exc())

i search in libvirt xml about disable-ticketing schema but i don't found

i need disable ticket because i want use thin client hardware which connect by spice protocol but i donn't want every connection create ticket by computer machine..