Can anybody from redhat confirm what is supposed here, all my staff depends on the future of ovirt. How can we help to maintain this project alive if redhat dev are not implicated anymore? I may donate some hardware or is it unuseful?

Le 5 févr. 2022 11:31, Thomas Hoberg <> a écrit :

Please have a look here:

Without a commercial product to pay the vast majority of the developers, there is just no chance oVirt can survive (unless you're ready to take over). RHV 4.4 full support ends this August and that very likely means that oVirt won't receive updates past July (judging by how things happened with 4.3).

And those will be CI tested against the Stream Beta not EL8 including RHEL.

Only with a RHV support contract ($) you will receive service until 2024 and with extended support ($$$) until 2026.

oVirt is dead already. They have known since October. They should have told us last year.
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