
I solved this problem by deleting the export domain and all the data in it. I removed the domain and deleted the data manually.
Then i recreated the domain, and my backups is running again.

Peter Calum

2017-01-28 20:03 GMT+01:00 Peter Calum <peter.calum@gmail.com>:


I use oVirt Engine Version:

I have an export domain that i use for backup of the VM's with the snapshot-clone-export method.
This have worked fine for a long time, but now i'm not able to export the VM's.
I have tried to detach the export domain and attach it again with no luck. I have attached a log where i first detach/attach the export domain and then clone a snapshot which goes ok, and then export the cloned VM which fails.

If i click on storage tab/ my export domain and click VM import tab the SPM fails shortly,
see attached event1.log  

Hope you can help.

Venlig hilsen / Kind regards

Peter Calum

Venlig hilsen / Kind regards

Peter Calum

Venlig hilsen / Kind regards

Peter Calum