Bryan, could you please elaborate your setup? do you see lag on your virt-host or in your VM's? what have you tried so far to test? can you please run:
"iperf -s" on your server (or where do you see lagg)
and "iperf -c $serveripaddress" replace $serveripaddress with your interface IP.
and paste your output?
can you also descrie if this is a layer2 or layer 3 network?


2017-05-10 13:05 GMT-03:00 Bryan Sockel <>:
I am doing some testing with our current ovirt setup and i am seeing some lagging going on when i attempt to launch or access files from a network share, or even run windows updates.  
My current setup is 4 X 1 GB Nic bond with multiple Vlan's attached.  Server usage is currently low. I have also not setup any additional Network QoS and everything else is set to default.

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