On Fri, 21 Sep 2018 at 17:53 Sandro Bonazzola <sbonazzo@redhat.com> wrote:
Il giorno ven 21 set 2018 alle ore 16:24 <brad.riemann@cloud5.com> ha scritto:
Thanks Sandro!

I saw ManageIQ, it might be a better solution if we had more nodes in each datacenter which resulted in a larger footprint, however my use case would only see one oVirt node per datacenter where we were looking at a possibility of 3k nodes, would that be too many for an oVirt engine to handle? (we wouldn't have resource limitations due to using with a cloud provider for scale-ability).

If I ended up having to put oVirt engine instances in each datacenter we'd have basically a 1:1 node to engine ratio, not the end of the world and possibly easier to use but it would induce some complexities to the deployment strategy i'm working on.

I've no official documentation in oVirt for this, but looking at Red Hat Virtualization product (the downstream packaging of oVirt supported by Red Hat) documentation I see a limit of 200 hosts per ovirt-engine instance (https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_virtualization/4.1/html/technical_reference/data_center_limitations)

In 4.2 we made various changes and that resulted in at least 400 hosts per engine. We stopped testing for more because we didn't see use case above that.
With few tweaks you can get there, and there is a chance it would suite your needs. but no one tested that kind of a stretched setup with thousands of datacenters.

If you want to test it you can use nested virtualization. Create VMs that would serve as nodes, and add those as hosts for each single host datacenter you want.

And report back with your finding!

This means you'll need at least 15 engine instances, possibly managed by ManageIQ to ease access to them, to handle 3000 hosts.
Using a single node per deployment seems you don't have requirement on high availability of the VMs running on it and no migrations between the nodes right?


Again, thank you!

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