I have just taken over an Ovirt cluster running, it comprises of three hosts of which, two can run the HE. This message floods /var/log/messages on the hosts that can run the HE.
Aug 28 17:39:56 ovirt-03 journal: ovirt-ha-agent ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.lib.image.Image ERROR Error preparing image - storagepoolID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 - storagedomainID: 0ea4f86e-3d20-422f-baf0-bb0f6ca3d0b9 - imageID: 3019b1a4-4776-42d9-a3d3-43930acfe681 - volumeID: 28ebf041-7222-4954-af2d-0889cb5f0cd0: Cannot prepare illegal volume: (u'28ebf041-7222-4954-af2d-0889cb5f0cd0',)
What does it mean?
Many thanks,

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