On Sun, Nov 18, 2018 at 12:13 PM Alex K <rightkicktech@gmail.com> wrote:

The deployment was able to proceed and engine is up though it gave only at the end the following error:

[ INFO  ] TASK [Wait for the local bootstrap VM to be down at engine eyes]
[ ERROR ] fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"ansible_facts": {"ovirt_vms": [{"affinity_labels": [], "applications": [], "bios": {"boot_menu": {"enabled": false}}, "cdroms": [], "cluster": {"href": "/ovirt-engine/api/clusters/a407b02c-eb1a-11e8-a5a5-00163e445490", "id": "a407b02c-eb1a-11e8-a5a5-00163e445490"}, "comment": "", "cpu": {"architecture": "x86_64", "topology": {"cores": 1, "sockets": 4, "threads": 1}}, "cpu_profile": {"href": "/ovirt-engine/api/cpuprofiles/58ca604e-01a7-003f-01de-000000000250", "id": "58ca604e-01a7-003f-01de-000000000250"}, "cpu_shares": 0, "creation_time": "2018-11-18 10:17:45.351000+00:00", "delete_protected": false, "description": "", "disk_attachments": [], "display": {"address": "", "allow_override": false, "copy_paste_enabled": true, "disconnect_action": "LOCK_SCREEN", "file_transfer_enabled": true, "monitors": 1, "port": 5900, "single_qxl_pci": false, "smartcard_enabled": false, "type": "vnc"}, "fqdn": "engine.maya", "graphics_consoles": [], "guest_operating_system": {"architecture": "x86_64", "codename": "", "distribution": "CentOS Linux", "family": "Linux", "kernel": {"version": {"build": 0, "full_version": "3.10.0-862.14.4.el7.x86_64", "major": 3, "minor": 10, "revision": 862}}, "version": {"full_version": "7", "major": 7}}, "guest_time_zone": {"name": "UTC", "utc_offset": "+00:00"}, "high_availability": {"enabled": false, "priority": 0}, "host": {"href": "/ovirt-engine/api/hosts/4250ef49-969c-4cd5-8a4f-30b7755a7d36", "id": "4250ef49-969c-4cd5-8a4f-30b7755a7d36"}, "host_devices": [], "href": "/ovirt-engine/api/vms/a7872048-030e-4991-be23-43283794d650", "id": "a7872048-030e-4991-be23-43283794d650", "io": {"threads": 1}, "katello_errata": [], "large_icon": {"href": "/ovirt-engine/api/icons/c444caf0-5750-9602-f4b4-62db210b133b", "id": "c444caf0-5750-9602-f4b4-62db210b133b"}, "memory": 10737418240, "memory_policy": {"guaranteed": 10737418240, "max": 10737418240}, "migration": {"auto_converge": "inherit", "compressed": "inherit"}, "migration_downtime": -1, "multi_queues_enabled": true, "name": "external-HostedEngineLocal", "next_run_configuration_exists": false, "nics": [], "numa_nodes": [], "numa_tune_mode": "interleave", "origin": "external", "original_template": {"href": "/ovirt-engine/api/templates/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"}, "os": {"boot": {"devices": ["hd"]}, "type": "other"}, "permissions": [], "placement_policy": {"affinity": "migratable"}, "quota": {"id": "b4232eb4-eb1a-11e8-9bc5-00163e445490"}, "reported_devices": [], "run_once": false, "sessions": [], "small_icon": {"href": "/ovirt-engine/api/icons/4a0580c6-11ba-bc2e-6c82-211666f323e9", "id": "4a0580c6-11ba-bc2e-6c82-211666f323e9"}, "snapshots": [], "sso": {"methods": [{"id": "guest_agent"}]}, "start_paused": false, "stateless": false, "statistics": [], "status": "unknown", "storage_error_resume_behaviour": "auto_resume", "tags": [], "template": {"href": "/ovirt-engine/api/templates/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"}, "time_zone": {"name": "Etc/GMT"}, "type": "desktop", "usb": {"enabled": false}, "watchdogs": []}]}, "attempts": 24, "changed": false, "deprecations": [{"msg": "The 'ovirt_vms_facts' module is being renamed 'ovirt_vm_facts'", "version": 2.8}]}
[ ERROR ] Failed to execute stage 'Closing up': Failed executing ansible-playbook

The engine is up and I can SSH into it. Though when I try to login through GUI I get " The redirection URI for client is not registered ", even though I have set its IP address in SSO_ALTERNATE_ENGINE_FQDNS through a config file.   What could be the issue now? Thanx

I have not understood what is the error in this case.
Anyway, I think you have inserted the ip of the engine in the config file, correct?
So that inside /etc/ovirt-engine/engine.conf.d/99-custom-sso-setup.conf you have put the ip of the engine and/or an alias for it and then "systemctl restart ovirt-engine".
Verify if you r client accessing the engine through browser has not spurious entries too in relation with the ip assigned to the engine.
