Hi Martin,
I created the VM through template...i have created OS template of ubuntu and debian with one nic....now when i deploy the VM through the template...it deployed successfully and i can pass the cloud-init data successfully....problem start when i add new nic...shutdown the VM and add new nic and push the cloud-init to configure this new nic(eth1)....the nic configured and VM will up but it will destroy the previous configurtion from the OS network config file (/etc/network/interfaces)...
To Reproduce :-
1. Create VM with one nic and run-once and push the cloud-init to configure the eth0
2. shutdown the VM.
3. add new nic
4. run-once and push the cloud-init to configure eth1
5. login to server with console and check through ifconfig...you will see eth1 only....
6. check the config file (/etc/network/interfaces)...you will find eth1 config only...