On Tue, Jan 9, 2018 at 12:33 AM ~Stack~ <i.am.stack@gmail.com> wrote:
On 01/08/2018 07:15 AM, Gianluca Cecchi wrote:
> Probably he refers to this blog:
> https://rhelblog.redhat.com/2018/01/04/red-hat-virtualization-4-2-beta-is-live/
> with:
> "
> *Support for Ceph via iSCSI* – The Ceph iSCSI target has been tested and
> certified as a storage domain for virtual machines. This provides more
> infrastructure and deployment choices for engineers and architects.
> "
> It seems a described feature that didn't get any referral in oVirt 4.2
> release notes:
> https://ovirt.org/release/4.2.0/
> But I think in general, given a version, it is not guaranteed that what
> in RHEV maps with what in oVirt and viceversa.
> I don't know if this one about Ceph via iSCSI is one of them.


If Ceph support is in oVirt, I am about to be extremely excited. I'm
just racked the hardware for a new oVirt install today and the Ceph gear
is showing up in a few weeks. I was planning on setting up a dedicated
NFS server for VM's essentially having two storage domains, but if I can
just have Ceph...I would be a very happy sys admin!

Ceph is supported since 3.6 via Cinder.

But the support is not complete, some features are not available with Ceph,
mainly integration with other storage types, like moving disks to/from Ceph
and other storage, live storage migration, image upload and download,
and vm leases.

But it may be good enough to keep you happy!



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