On Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 9:05 AM, Roman Mohr <rmohr@redhat.com> wrote:
Hi Johan,

On Mon, Nov 23, 2015 at 9:39 PM, Johan Vermeulen <jameslast29@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello All,

after configuring a first setup, based on the quick start guide, I'm now looking
at the hosted-engine setup.
My question is: after I do the hosted-engine-setup, how do I setup vm's on the same
machine that hosts the now-virtualized engine?
You can add this host like any other host. You will then also see the hosted engine VM as a special VM in the VMs tab of the web admin portal.
Just make sure that your VM can reach the physical host.

Just an addition: your first host will be automatically added to your engine so you don't have to do anything special on that. 
hosted-engine on the other side, is using a dedicated storage domain for the engine VM and you cannot use it for other VMs so you still need to add a second storage domain for regular VMs.

Take care that loopback mounting NFS could lead to deadlocks:
On a single host with the storage on the same host iSCSI seams more reliable.

Greetings, J.

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