Hi Wayna,

A VM with OpenShift is no different from any other VM. Users should be able to reach it via SSH if your network/firewall settings allow that. If you want to auto-provision minishift I see several options:
1) install minishift manually in a VM and save it as a template to provision new VMs from
2) use a cloud image from glance and invoke cloud-init to run the installer
3) deploy new VMs using your standard workflow, then use Ansible or other configuration management tools to setup minishift after install.

Hope this helps.

On Fri, Nov 17, 2017 at 2:26 PM, Wayna Runa <waynaruna@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi there!,

I've oVirt running and providing several VMs (CentOS and RedHat), now I want to provide VMs with minimalist Openshift cluster running inside to developers. 
Minishift creates a VM with Openshift locally, that is fine, but now we have oVirt to provide VMs which the developers can get access remotely.

How I can use oVirt to do that?.
Thanks in advance. 

Wayna Runa

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