On Sun, Dec 5, 2021 at 12:33 PM Luca Contessa <ifdevurandom@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi List,

I've made an oVirt node installation (oVirt ver. 4.4.9) for a VDI project and I'd like to ask if it is possible to create an empty pool with a maximum number of machine and as the machine are required by the end user (so when the users use the think client to request the provisioning of a machine of the pool in question) the pool will dynamically create the machine and link it to the end user.

To specify once more the pool will be create with no machine in it, only a maximum limit on the number of machines, and as the user start connecting to the pool the VM will be created, started and provisioned to the user requesting them.

Then when the user stop using the machine they would like the system to save the datas and stop the machine and from that point on when the user will connect the virtual machine connected to their account on the AD system should start.

Do you know if this is possibile?

oVirt doesn't provide that exact behavior but maybe the existing behavior could also fit your needs.
You can't create a pool that is initially empty and grows as users ask for VMs - the VMs are rather created when creating the pool. From a storage perspective, empty thin-provisioned volumes are created on top of the template volumes so they don't consume much space. From a virtualization perspective, no compute resources are consumed until the VMs are started. Having the VMs created "in advance" enables users to take VMs faster - there's no need to create them but just to assign and start them.
As for the second part, you can configure a console disconnect option to shut-down/power-off so when a user disconnects, the VM would stop. If you wish VMs to remain assigned to users also when they go down, you can set the pool to "manual" mode and then VMs remain assigned until the admin detaches their assigned users.

Thanks a lot to everybody,

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