Hi gys,

Thanks so much for your various feedback.

Your ideas are really interesting, I'll lool more in detail into it.

Eugène NG 

Le jeu. 27 févr. 2020 à 13:56, Jayme <jaymef@gmail.com> a écrit :
Echoing what others have said. Ansible is your best option here. 

On Thu, Feb 27, 2020 at 7:22 AM Nathanaël Blanchet <blanchet@abes.fr> wrote:

Le 27/02/2020 à 11:00, Yedidyah Bar David a écrit :
On Thu, Feb 27, 2020 at 11:53 AM Eugène Ngontang <sympavali@gmail.com> wrote:
Yes Ansible ovirt_vms module is useful, I use it for provisioning/deployment, but once my VM created, I'd like to administrate/interact with them, I don't think I should write playbooks for that.

Why not? You're the next devops :)

I was used to use ovirt-shell (removed from 4.4), and instead of it I control now all my vms with ansible playbooks:

  • consultation with ovirt-*_inf with appropriate filters (combine , dict2items) and conditions (when, until)
  • interaction with other modules (with present/absent statement for all parameters)

I precise I am not a developer but once I took the habit with a proper environment (venv, IDE, loops, structured playbook and roles, dict struct, etc..), I was able do what I want, or rather what the API let me do.

Before begining, I should advice you to take the time to study the structure of the output of the registered variable

Here is a piece of my commonly used playbooks to check status of wanted vms:

- name: template ovirt pour tester les modules
hosts: localhost
connection: local
- block:
- include: ovirt_auth.yaml
tags: auth,change
- name: vm facts
auth: "{{ ovirt_auth }}"
pattern: "name=vm5 or name=vm8"
register: vm_info
- debug: var=vm_info.ovirt_vms
# msg: "{{vm_info.ovirt_vms | map(attribute='status')|list}}"
- name: "Génération d'un dictionnaire avec combine"
vm_status: "{{ vm_status|default({})|combine({item.name: item.status}) }}"
loop: "{{vm_info.ovirt_vms}}"
when: item.status == "up"
- debug:
msg: "{{vm_status}}"
- include: ovirt_auth_revoke.yaml
tags: auth,change

Good luck!

This is up to you, of course.

For a project that uses heavily the ansible modules, see

For one that uses the python SDK, see ovirt-system-tests. The SDK
itself also has a very useful collection of examples.

But I'll find a solution.
Good luck and best regards,
Nathanaël Blanchet

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