Hi all,

I want to share with you that a new version of muCommander has been released and this version includes integration with oVirt!

A demo of the provided functionality is available at [1]:
First, we connect to RHV (but the following process would work the same for oVirt) and browse the content if its storage domain. Then, we take two virtual disk images, one of format=raw and size=3G and second of format=qcow2 and size=2G, and upload them to that storage domain. In the meantime, we download an iso file from the storage domain and explore its content. We check the format and size for the uploaded disks. Lastly, we remove the first disk from within muCommander and see that it also disappears from the storage domain.

That can be seen as a front-end of oVirt's Image I/O [2].
However, please be aware of the following limitations:
1. Snapshots are not supported.
2. There is no way to specify the virtual size of the disk. This means it works nicely for preallocated disks and for uploading iso files to data domains (note the filename must end with the '.iso' extension), but thin-provisioned disks would probably need to be extended after the upload.
3. oVirt-specific things like disk description, host to upload the disk to, wipe-after-delete, and others cannot be specified.

This version of muCommander (v0.9.4-2) can be downloaded from [3].
Please feel free to to file issues for bugs or possible enhancements at [4]

Note that muCommander is not under the oVirt umbrella.

Feedback is welcome!

[1] https://youtu.be/F2u3cDGfEU0
[2] https://www.ovirt.org/develop/release-management/features/storage/image-upload.html
[3] https://github.com/mucommander/mucommander/releases/tag/0.9.4-2
[4] https://github.com/mucommander/mucommander/issues
