Did you add the NIC after you did the OS install?  Most installers are pretty good about detecting and activating NICs when you do the install.  But if you add a NIC afterwards sometimes you have to activate it manually.

What OS is your guest? Version?

If you run "sudo nmtui" does that get you to the text based network manager?

On Dec 6, 2017 12:08 AM, "José Manuel Noguerol" <nogue@hotmail.es> wrote:
Hi all.

After a month, I have installed my first VM. And it works almost perfect…

I added a vnic but there is no ethernet interface in the VM…

I got one more question… Supposing that my VM is completely installed… How do I access to it from a different PC. I mean, a PC apart from the one which has the ovirt engine. I got another host in the hosts list but I can’t access to the portal.

Thanks for your time!

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