On Fri, Jan 8, 2016 at 1:22 PM, Nathanaël Blanchet <blanchet@abes.fr> wrote:
Since meetings have been canceled (and reports), I find it difficult for community to get informations about the development state of ovirt.
How and where can we follow the release management, in particular for 4.0, i.e. the new integrated features, the blocking bugs, etc... I didn't find any documents like the one that was used for previous release (http://goo.gl/9X3G49)

Hi Nathanaël,

Are you looking for specific information?
The planning is, as always has been, in Bugzilla and while many work on 3.6.x still, there has been some work on 4.0 items already (mainly in the mast branch of oVirt). 
I'm using [1] as a Bugzilla query to look at all open RFEs. Those with 4.0.0 are the ones currently targeted for 4.0 - but I assume more will be added/removed to the list.

Which meetings and reports are you missing?


[1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?cmdtype=runnamed&list_id=4419697&namedcmd=RHEVM%2FoVirt%20open%20FutureFeatures
(Let me know if you can't see the results - I'm trying to see which group has the highest visibility wrt sharing saved searches.)


Nathanaël Blanchet

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