I'm doing some tests with iPXE (downloaded latest version cloning the git repo some days ago).
I'm using oVirt 4.4.5 with VMs configured with different chipset/firmware type.

It seems that using dhcpd.conf directive of type

if exists user-class and option user-class = "iPXE" {
  filename "http://my_http_server/...";
else {

the VM boot catches it when I use Q35 Chipset with BIOS, while it goes inside the "else" section if using Q35 Chipset with UEFI (not the SecureBoot one)
Does this mean that the Q35 UEFI doesn't support iPXE?

BTW: if anyone has suggestions about an utility that can let me boot via network and give the user a general menu from which he/she can go and choose standard pxe with bios or uefi boot, to be able to install both Linux based systems and other ones, such as ESXi hosts, both with BIOS and UEFI, it is welcome
