Thank you very much Semi. The reinstallation would not be an problem, being the fact that i've spent so much in sorting this issue.
I don't understant the "setup a blacklist part" . What does this mean, how should I do it ?
I have looked over the other oVirt nodes that I have in the network, and the mpath is active on their rootfs as well.
I have used the 4.2-2018052606.iso image for instalation for cluster nodes and for single instance too.
Would it be possible to have a bug in this version ?
What iso should I use just to be sure everything will work good ?
Again, thank you very much !

On Tue, Jun 12, 2018, 21:54 femi adegoke <> wrote:
It looks like the same error I had where oVirt keeps "trying" to use the multipath disk as part of the install.

The solution (unfortunately) is to re-install the o/s, then setup a blacklist & then proceed with the rest of the ovirt install.

There is no way to release that disk from multipath since it is part of the root filesystem.
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