On 23. 9. 2022, at 11:48, Andrea Chierici <andrea.chierici@cnaf.infn.it> wrote:

I've done some investigation and discovered that the problem seems related to the engine ca not installed in my windows machine keychain.
Anyway even if I installed the cert, the classic console.vv file continue to complain with failed handshake; on the other hand, on the browser I can open novnc consoles, if I install the engine ca on it.
I can survive with novnc, but a recipe for remote-viewer + windows systems could be useful, I bet, not only for me.

spice was able to use CA passed within the .vv file, but VNC implementation in remote-viewer does not understand it. 
You need to import the correct CA into your client's keystore. Wherever it is in Windows




On 21/09/2022 12:43, Andrea Chierici wrote:
Dear all,
on latest 4.5, as many others have noticed, default is to use video type VGA and VNC as graphics protocol.
Problem is, in my current environments, I can't seem to make this to work.
When the machine power ups I get the "usual" error from virt-viewer:


I found some docs on the web, like this from redhat: https://access.redhat.com/solutions/5695951
but it does not seem to work. Indeed I reinstalled a host and forced the creation of the vm on it, but the console is still unreachable.
Any hint how I can solve this? I am quite surprised I could not find anything on standard documentation.


Andrea Chierici - INFN-CNAF 			
Viale Berti Pichat 6/2, 40127 BOLOGNA
Office Tel: +39 051 2095463	
SkypeID ataruz

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Andrea Chierici - INFN-CNAF 			
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