
Sorry, I posted in bugzilla, and you advise me than my question isn't error. https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1789534

I will attach the same archives and the same text.

Description of problem:
This problem is bizarre/unusual/convoluted, such that I think that it won't affect to anybody. But the system allows it.

In a backup from snapshot with several disks, we can know the original disks from each disk through their names and their sizes. But, and if several disks had the same name and same size? How could we do it without inspect the content of each disk?

With the java Sdk, the order of the discs from the original machine to the cloned machine changes, making this path not possible either.

In attached files, I show the disks[with different name and order of java Sdk] of the original vm[vm1] and the cloned vm[vm1Clone]. And others[vm2] and [vm2Clone] with the same process, but all disks have the same name. The disks have two sizes: 1Gb and 2Gb.

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Create a vm, and attach several disks with same name and same size.
2. Create a backup from snapshot.
3. Now, try to differentiate the disks cloned from original, without looking at their contents.

Actual results:
I think that it is impossible without I look at their contents.

Expected results:
Knowing which disk of the cloned machine links to which disk of the original machine.

Additional info:
If you need more info, request me it

Vm.log -> Vm original with different disk name

VmClone.log -> Vm clone with different disk name

Vm2.log -> Vm original with same disk name

Vm2Clone.log -> Cloned vm with same disk name

Thanks for your time,
