On 02. 07. 2019 09:14, Simone Tiraboschi wrote:

On Mon, Jul 1, 2019 at 6:56 PM Mitja Pirih <mitja@pirih.si> wrote:

I am new to oVirt, coming from XenServer platform, so please be patient with me.

After a successful install of latest stable oVirt node (ovirt-node-ng-installer-4.3.4-2019061016.el7.iso) I am having troubles deploying hosted engine to an iscsi target over Cockpit. I have a couple of iscsi targets available on two different storage platforms (Synology DS418, Lenovo DE2000H). After retrieving iscsi Target list all LUNs get automatically "connected" by "Target list scan" and shown as used on LUNs list. I can reproduce this every single time. On storage system I can also see, that all LUNs get connected by the initial scan. As a result I an unable to continue the deployment as there are no LUNs available.

Is this a normal behavior? What would you suggest me to do?

please clean up one of that LUN before trying again.


All detected LUNs are market as "used" even if they are not. LUNs are perfectly fine as I am able to connect and disconnect from Xenserver and other clients. What I found out is if I choose the CLI way of deploying hosted engine then it works flawlessly. The same problem I was observing with ovirt-node-ng-installer-4.4.0-2019063008.el7.iso version.

Should I mark this question solved or temporarily solved?

