On 16 May 2018, at 14:52, ovirt@fateknollogee.com wrote:

https://www.ovirt.org/documentation/install-guide/chap-System_Requirements/ says:
Important: If you are also installing the oVirt Engine Virtual Appliance for self-hosted engine installation, the /var partition must be at least 60 GB.

I remember it used just a bit less, around 55/56GB.

Back to the drawing board, I certainly failed to read that!!

It’s temporary, so you can add a disk and mount it into /var/tmp to complete the installation and remove it when finished. The VM is created locally, then moved to gluster and started with its final configuration.


On 2018-05-16 02:37, Andrea Dell'Amico wrote:
On 16 May 2018, at 09:42, Simone Tiraboschi <stirabos@redhat.com>
On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 6:31 PM,  <ovirt@fateknollogee.com> wrote:
Engine network config error
Following this blog post:
I get an error saying the hosted engine setup is "trying" to use
vibr0 (192.168.xxx.x) even though I have the bridge interface set
to "eno1"
Regardless of whether the Edit Hosts File is checked or unchecked,
it overwrites my engine IP entry from 10.50.235.x to 192.168.xxx.x
The same thing happens whether I set the engine IP to Static or
DHCP (I don't have DNS, I'm using static entries in /etc/hosts).
Any ideas it "insists" on using "vibr0" instead of "eno1"?
up to this point is absolutely fine: in the new node zero deployment
flow, hosted-engine-setup bootstraps a local VM with an engine there
to use that engine to configure the rest of the system (storage,
That bootstrap VM runs over default natted libvirt network, that's
why you see vibr0 and 192.168.xxx.x at that stage.
If you are facing any issue, it's definitively not there.
Yes, the blog post describes the 4.2.{0,1} behaviour while the local
VM is a change introduced in 4.2.2.
I faced a similar error and in my case the VM creation failed because
there was not enough space in /var/tmp. It wasn’t a problem before,
because the engine VM was created directly on top of a gluster volume.
Andrea Dell'Amico
http://adellam.sevenseas.org/ [2]
[2] http://sevenseas.org/
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Andrea Dell'Amico