Hi Everyone,

I'm running a 3-host hyperconverged Gluster setup for testing (on some old desktops), and recently the hosted engine died on me, so I have attempted to just clean up my existing hosts, leaving Gluster configured, and re-deploy a fresh hosted engine setup on them.

I have successfully got the first host setup and the hosted engine is running on that host. However, when I try to add the other two hosts via the web GUI (as I can no longer add them via CLI) I get this error: "Error while executing action: Server XXXXX is already part of another cluster."

I've tried to find where this would still be configured on the two other hosts, but I cannot find anywhere.

Does anyone know how I can stop these two hosts from thinking they are still in a cluster? Or, does anyone have some information that might help, or am I going to just have to start a fresh CentOS install?
