You are correct. The user is `admin` and the password is what you specified in the secure_vars.yaml.
You can try the following:
log into the master0 vm
# name: Log into logging project
oc project openshift-logging
# name: Create admin user
oc create user admin
# name: Create an Identity with identity provider allow_all
oc create identity allow_all:admin
# name: Create a user/identity mapping for the created user and identity
oc create useridentitymapping allow_all:admin admin
# name: Binds the admin role to specified users for all projects in the cluster
oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin admin
# name: Assign the password immediately without login
oc login --username=admin --password={{ openshift_logging_admin_password }}
Shirly Radco
BI Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat