

Am 14. Februar 2022 20:29:47 MEZ schrieb Jonas Liechti <>:
Would you mind sharing a link to this script? I would be interested in how it works.Am 14.02.2022 19:45 schrieb marcel d'heureuse <>:


We have in our Environment 12 servers managed by one self hosted engine. It is ovirt 4.3.9. We are Freizeit on that Version.

How did you make Backups? We use a github Script which generate via api a snapshot and Mount this disk into the vm where the backup Script is running. The backup Script Export this additional Hard disk to a storage and disconnect the disk and remove the snapshot.

This works on Linux vm fine if they have Medium load. If we try this with a Windows 10 vm or Windows Server vm or a Linux vm with high load or with a very big Hard drive this will not work. Disk can't Export and snapshot will not delete.

I have found winchin and bareos but I have not start to check this first I want to have some more possible options.

