On Sun, May 22, 2016 at 10:33 PM, Alan Murrell <lists@murrell.ca> wrote:

I am wondering what the recommended bonding modes are for the different types of networks:

  - Management/Display
  - Guest VM Traffic

0, 5, 6 are NOT supported over bridges (hence, for guest VM traffic) 

  - Storage (NFS)

Unless you have multiple mounts (multiple NFS storage domains) you are unlikely to get a bandwidth improvements, only HA from bond for NFS (in that sense, it's better to use iSCSI in such a scenario)

For the purposes pf this post, assume mode 4 is not available.

For Management/Display, I am thinking mode 1 (active-backup) is adequate since there generally isn't a lot of traffic being pushed through.

Storage, I like mode 0 (round robin) due to some performance results I have seen, though I understand this has to be setup in "custom bonding".  Mode 6 seems like it would do well here as well.

As explained above, for NFS, it's not going to help performance-wise.

Guest VM traffic is the one I am not sure about.  There could be a lot of traffic going back and forth, so I would want all the interfaces in the bond active to balance the load.  Of the supported bonding modes, either 2 or 5 would seem to be the options.

I am just wondering what others' thoughts and experiences are.

Thanks! :-)



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