Hello team,
Due to security policy in the our customer`s company there is need to implement some changes into machines in their oVirt cluster (Standalone Engine + 2 KVM Host).
1. The home drives of user sanlock (/var/run/sanlock) and gluster (/run/gluster) have permission of 775. We would like to have them at least 755 if not stricter. Is that possible?
2. NFS mount of storage has ‘nodev’ and ‘nosuid’ disabled. Is it safe to use those options for NFS Storage doamin?
3. Usually bridged routing is not allowed on managed servers. Security scan asks us to set the following four parameters to 0
Network Parameter "net.ipv4.conf.all.send_redirects" = 1 (expected: 0)
Network Parameter "net.ipv4.conf.all.secure_redirects" = 1 (expected: 0)
Network Parameter "net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_redirects" = 1 (expected: 0)
Network Parameter "net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_redirects" = 1 (expected: 0)
Would changing them interfere with ovirtmgmt network?
I cannot answer the storage questions, but there is one thing to be aware of about 3.
Depending on oVirt version under 4.4, we are using ipv6 accept_redirects to configure and detect
oVirt 4.4 and newer is not using this directly. Anyway if you don't plan to use an ipv6 autoconf it should be fine.