due to missing megaraid_sas kernel module in RH EL 8 and CentOS 8, I'm deploying a new oVirt host using CentOS 8 and elrepo kernel driver and not ovirt node ng.

Based on installation guide:

- install CentOS 8.2 ("Server" chosen as base environment)
- yum install https://resources.ovirt.org/pub/yum-repo/ovirt-release44.rpm
- yum install cockpit-ovirt-dashboard
- yum update
- reboot

Try to add host from engine web admin gui, I get:
Host ov200 installation failed. Failed to execute Ansible host-deploy role: Failed to execute call to start playbook. . Please check logs for more details: /var/log/ovirt-engine/ansible-runner-service.log.

Inside the log file above on engine:
2020-10-08 11:58:43,389 - runner_service.controllers.hosts - DEBUG - Request received, content-type :None
2020-10-08 11:58:43,390 - runner_service.controllers.hosts - INFO - - GET /api/v1/hosts/ov200
2020-10-08 11:58:43,398 - runner_service.controllers.playbooks - DEBUG - Request received, content-type :application/json; charset=UTF-8
2020-10-08 11:58:43,398 - runner_service.controllers.playbooks - INFO - - POST /api/v1/playbooks/ovirt-host-deploy.yml

Do I have to enable any module or pre-install anything else before adding it?

BTW: on host

[root@ov200 ~]# rpm -q ansible
[root@ov200 ~]#
