Over the past few weeks i have had a number of Windows VM Disk start showing up as corrupted.  I Attempt to boot into recover mode and run the normal recover tools (chkdsk, sfc /scannow, etc.) Unable to repair with status 50.
Looking through Ovirt, i do not see any thing in the logs.  VM is Running off a gluster replica 3 volume.  The corruption does not seem to be isolated to one specific gluster volume.  I have also seen corruption with an NFS Volume.  Issue seemed to start after moving from a Centos 7 Install, to a Ovirt Node image.  
I have mainly seen corruption with Windows 10 Images, but a couple of 2003/2012 server OS's as well. 
Where would be the best place to start looking at why the VM HD's are getting corrupted?

Thank You,

Bryan Sockel
Systems Administrator
o: 817-601-3222 ext: 233    e: bryan.sockel@mdaemon.com

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