Hello Gianluca,

Not sure i fully understood, but, if the host's IP has changes and the vlan then the correct flow will be:

1) Remove the host
2) Edit the management network with vlan tag - the vlan you need/want
3) Add/install the host - make sure you using the correct/new IP(if using IP) or the correct FQDN(if has changed).

Note that doing things manually on the host such as changing ovirtmgmt's configuration without the engine or vdsm may cause problems and will not persist the changes during reboots. If the host's IP has changed or it's FQDN then you must install the host again.


On Wed, Sep 27, 2017 at 12:22 PM, Gianluca Cecchi <gianluca.cecchi@gmail.com> wrote:
an host not maintained by me was modified so that its mgmt network had become ovirtmgmntZ2Z3.
Originally the host had been added into engine with its hostname and not its ip and this simplifies things.
So a dns entry change was done while the host was in maintenance
(as far as I have understood...) 
The guy changed the /etc/sysconfig/netowrk-scripts/ files and apparently it was activated ok, but when host rebooted the config was reverted due to persistence of vdsm.

As he had urgence for this host to become operational again, in the mean time I worked like this, having now a working host:

- modified /etc/sysconfig/network/scripts files with the new required configuration
- modified files under /var/lib/vdsm/persistence/netconf/nets/
eg the file ovirtmgmntZ2Z3 with its ip and vlan correct information


then power off / power on host

The host comes up good and as it had been peviously put into maintenance, it was able to be activated and power on some VMs.

Can I consider this workflow ok or is there any ip/network information of the host stored into engine db or other parts on engine or hosts?

I have then a question for the ovirtmgmt logical network itself, but I will open a new thread for it...

Thanks in advance,

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