On Mon, Jan 1, 2018 at 8:43 PM, Alex K <rightkicktech@gmail.com> wrote:AlexThanx,Any ideas how to tackle this?Sometimes, when reported with 100% CPU I cannot get a console at VM (console gives black screen) then I have to force shutdown the VM and start it up again. The only warning I see is in the qemu logs of the guest reporting that CPUs not present in any NUMA nodes.I have randomly observed that some Windows 10 64bit VMs are reported from engine dashboard with 100%CPU while when connecting within the VM the CPU utilization is normal.Hi all and Happy New Year!I have a ovirt cluster (running with 3 nodes and shared gluster storage).Hi Alex,I have seen something similar but on ISCSI domain environment and not GlusterFS one, when I got problems with the storage array (in my case it was a firmware update that lasted too much) and the VMs were paused and after some seconds reactivated again.For some of them I registered the related qemu-kvm process going to fixed 100% cpu usage and unable to open spice console (black screen). But in my case also the VM itself was stuck: unable to connect to it via network or ping.I had to force power off the VM and power on it again. Some other VMs resumed from pause state without any apparent problem (apart from clock unsync).Both the good and bad VMs had ovirt guest agent running: they were CentOS 6.5 VMsPerhaps your situation is something in the middle.... verify you didn't had any problem with your storage and that your problematic VM had not been paused/resumed due to thatGianluca