Hello Charles,

The solution I came up with to solve this problem was to use RDO. I have oVirt engine running on dedicated hardware. The best way to have oVirt engine and RDO running on the same hardware is to build a VM on the same hardware as the engine with virt manager or virsh using the local disk as storage (you could possibly replace the VM with docker but I never explored that option). I found it necessary to do this because the oVirt engine and RDO http configs didn't play well together. They could probably be made to work on the same OS instance, but it was taking much more time than I wanted to figure out how to make httpd work with both. Once the VM is up and running I set up the RDO repos on it and installed packstack. Use packstack to generate an answers file, then go through the answers file and set it up so that it only installs Cinder, Keystone, MariaDB, and RabbitMQ. These are the only necessary pieces of openstack for cinder to work correctly. Once it is installed you need to configure cinder and keystone how you want since they only come with the admin tenant,user,project,etc... I set up a ovirt user,tenant,project and configured cinder to use my ceph cluster/pool.

It is much simpler to do than that long paragraph may make it seem at first. I've also tested using CephFS as a POSIX storage domain in oVirt. It works but in my experience there was at least a 25% performance decrease over Cinder/RBD.


On Fri, Jun 24, 2016 at 3:23 PM, Charles Gomes <cgomes@clearpoolgroup.com> wrote:



I’ve been reading lots of material about implementing oVirt with Ceph, however all talk about using Cinder.

Is there a way to get oVirt with Ceph without having to implement entire Openstack ?

I’m already currently using Foreman to deploy Ceph and KVM nodes, trying to minimize the amount of moving parts. I heard something about oVirt providing a managed Cinder appliance, have any seen this ?


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