Hey Fabrice, 

I had this issue too (just goofing around on a home lab).  The problem for me was the NFS export was not configured.  I followed the howto (http://www.ovirt.org/documentation/how-to/troubleshooting/troubleshooting-nfs-storage-issues/) and exported the ISO domain and I was able to attach in the GUI and use the ISO uploader.  Not sure why engine-setup didn't export it for me, but that was all that was missing.


On Thu, May 19, 2016 at 12:45 PM Fabrice Bacchella <fabrice.bacchella@icloud.com> wrote:
I try to attach an iso domain but it keep saying that it doesn't exist. But if I look in /etc/ovirt-engine-setup.conf.d/20-setup-ovirt-post.conf, the directory given in OVESETUP_CONFIG/isoDomainStorageDir exists and the logs says :
2016-05-19 19:23:23,900 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.irsbroker.AttachStorageDomainVDSCommand] (org.ovirt.thread.pool-8-thread-19) [78115edf] Command 'AttachStorageDomainVDSCommand( AttachStorageDomainVDSCommandParameters:{runAsync='true', storagePoolId='17434f4e-8d1a-4a88-ae39-d2ddd46b3b9b', ignoreFailoverLimit='false', storageDomainId='2a9fe2d7-ea38-4ced-a274-32734b7b571b'})' execution failed: IRSGenericException: IRSErrorException: Failed to AttachStorageDomainVDS, error = Storage domain does not exist: (u'2a9fe2d7-ea38-4ced-a274-32734b7b571b',), code = 358

Does code = 358 means something important ?

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