On Fri, Jul 9, 2021 at 8:30 AM Anatoliy Radchenko <radchenko.anatoliy@gmail.com> wrote:


Hi Strahil,
thanks for your response.
i understand. But yesterday happened this on one of cluster that was off for a long time: router could not assign same ip and assigned another IP and all went well - cluster is up, gluster with briks is ok (gluster is configured with another internal network).
Which mechanism made ip of ovirtmgmt change in this case? 

Usually when the IP is taken by a different interface, the server does not have much of a choice and assigns a different one.
This is a good thing because after reboot etc. you won't end up with different IP on the same interface.
Is it possible simply change dhcp parameters on router and assign by MAC new ip? 

Usually DHCP server support so called "static lease", you basically tell the server that this particular MAC will always receive IP a.b.c.d.
The server is then aware of it and does not serve this IP to anything else, if you need to change the IP just change the static lease record for
the MAC address. Just be aware that the lease has some expiration time and won't be renewed until it expires or something else happens that would
force the interface to ask the DHCP server again.

 Thanks again

Il giorno ven 9 lug 2021 alle ore 05:45 Strahil Nikolov <hunter86_bg@yahoo.com> ha scritto:
* gluster peer detach

On Fri, Jul 9, 2021 at 6:38, Strahil Nikolov via Users
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Radchenko Anatolii

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