On Tue, Jul 28, 2020 at 9:06 AM <radchenko.anatoliy@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi community,
I would like to use 3 nodes for hypervisor (hosted engine or install a separate VM with engine for its subsequent management) to use them as storage nodes - drbd 9 dual primary + quorum node (aka backup), ocfs 2 - so that the VMs used the hardware of both nodes (so to speak, hyperconverged with drbd). Can you tell me if there are any limits on the part of ovirt for this configuration and the best way to mount ocfs2 - iscsi via scst, posixFS or cinder?
I would not expect an issue as long as you expose the storage with supported storage types (iSCSI, NFS, etc). I guess though that you need to separately manage the HA part of the storage (pacemaker comes to my mind) which complicates the setup, whereas if going with glusterFS this is done automatically from oVirt by using the backup-volfile-servers gluster mount option.

Thanks in advance
Best regards
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