
vdsm.log had been rotated since, it's too new and doesn't have the relevant information.
From engine.log [1] it seems that you had an iSCSI authorization failure during login to targets for first storage domain creation in pool. It happened during storage pool creation.

It does seem you've hit since you report this domain is stuck in LOCKED state.

The workaround for this is to update the DB and change the domain status.
Or, if possible, I'd suggest to clean the setup and create a new data-center.
For first storage domain creation in the new DC, in case it's iSCSI, please make sure you provide the correct iSCSI credentials for login or use other type of storage (NFS for example).

2016-08-25 22:58:29,073 ERROR [] (default task-30) [] The connection with details ' (LUN 2dad697f691580100)' failed because of error code '476' and error message is: failed to login to iscsi node due to authorization failure

On Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 8:54 AM, Anantha Raghava <> wrote:


Yes, this is the first domain in DC. Please find the log files attached. vdsm.log is 7.2MB in size. Hence sending it as zip file.


Thanks & Regards,

Anantha Raghava
eXza Technology Consulting & Services

On Thursday 25 August 2016 02:29 AM, Elad Ben Aharon wrote:
Is this the first domain in the DC?
If so, it sounds like you hit
Also, please provide engine.log and vdsm.log


On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 8:11 PM, Anantha Raghava <> wrote:


Trying to add iSCSI storage domain to oVirt 4.0.2 but failing to attach the Storage Domain to DC. Added storage domain is constantly locked and DC is constantly in maintenance. How do I get the Storage Domain activated and initialise DC?


Thanks & Regards,

Anantha Raghava
eXza Technology Consulting & Services

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