Yes, this is the first domain in DC. Please find the log files attached. vdsm.log is 7.2MB in size. Hence sending it as zip file.
Thanks & Regards,
Anantha Raghava eXza Technology Consulting & Services
On Thursday 25 August 2016 02:29 AM, Elad Ben Aharon wrote:
Is this the first domain in the DC?
If so, it sounds like you hit https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1359788 .
Also, please provide engine.log and vdsm.log
On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 8:11 PM, Anantha Raghava <raghav@exzatechconsulting.com> wrote:
Trying to add iSCSI storage domain to oVirt 4.0.2 but failing to attach the Storage Domain to DC. Added storage domain is constantly locked and DC is constantly in maintenance. How do I get the Storage Domain activated and initialise DC?
Thanks & Regards,
Anantha Raghava eXza Technology Consulting & Services
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