Many thanks to:
- Jöran Malek
- Diego Ercolani
- Tomáš Golembiovský

For having joined today's test day and reporting their findings.

And to:
- Benny Zlotnik
- Alfredo Moralejo Alonso
- Yedidyah Bar David

For having assisted looking into reported issues.

Today test day resulted with the opening / hitting the following bugs:
Bug 2065287 text installation doesn't set correctly the keymap 
Not reported: Node installation with Radeon HD 4350

Bug 2065068 Too large subtable console errors in engine admin portal
Bug 2065195 ETL service sampling has encountered an error
Bug 2065294 ceph support via cinderlib is failing due to too old python-psycopg2
Bug 2065152 Implicit CPU pinning for NUMA VMs destroyed because of invalid CPU policy
Bug 2063112 imgbased fails to handle grub config on CentOS Stream 9

oVirt Website / Docs:
Add oVirt Node 4.5-pre section #2787
drop Language Support configuration option from node instructions #2790
wrong link to host requirements #2786
oVirt lifecycle points to RHV lifecycle #2785
missing variable substitution on install guide #2784
Table of content has wrong tree rooted on "oVirt Key Components" #2783

The dedicated test day is reaching its end but it doesn't mean you can't continue the testing.
As a result of today, I think we can say this alpha release has a very high quality level (except for ceph storage issue which should be already solved now).


Sandro Bonazzola