On Thu, Nov 2, 2017 at 9:04 PM, Arthur Melo <arthur@afabrica.net> wrote:Hi Fred!Thanks for the answer. Isn't hosted-engine. I deployed a virtual machine and installed ovirt-engine.And where is its image? Did you have any backup to the VM disk image or the oVirt Engine DB and files?Y.Atenciosamente,
Arthur Melo
Linux User #3022502017-11-02 16:20 GMT-02:00 Fred Rolland <frolland@redhat.com>:FredRegards,Take a look at:Hi,Are you using hosted-engine?
https://www.ovirt.org/documentation/self-hosted/chap-Trouble shooting/ On Thu, Nov 2, 2017 at 7:36 PM, Arthur Melo <arthur@afabrica.net> wrote:______________________________Hello,My node has died and I need to start ovirt-engine VM in another node.Can someone save my life?Atenciosamente,
Arthur Melo
Linux User #302250_________________
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