I would suggest to do it via one of the sdks, for example python https://github.com/oVirt/ovirt-engine-sdk/blob/master/sdk/examples/start_vm.py - you can create a simple python script you can start from cli.

Alternatively use ansible, you can also call that from cli.



On 9/30/20 7:57 PM, Jeremey Wise wrote:

Can anyone post link.  (with examples.. as most documentation for oVirt lacks this)..  where I can power on a VM via CLI or API.

As of now I cannot login to oVirt-Engine.  No errors when I restart it..  https://lists.ovirt.org/archives/list/users@ovirt.org/thread/45KKF5TN5PRQ3R7MDOWIQTSYZXZRVDIZ/

BUt... I need to get VMs booted.

I tried to follow:
and my server's API web portal

And.. even get POSTMAN (real newbie at that tool but ran into how to add exported .pem key from portal to session issues)

# failed CLI example:   Power on VM "ns01"

########### <<<< DRAFT :: 2020-09-30################

# Get key from oVirt engine and import.  Ex: from ovirte01  into server 'thor

curl -k 'https://ovirte01.penguinpages.local/ovirt-engine/services/pki-resource?resource=ca-certificate&format=X509-PEM-CA' -o ovirt01_ca.pem

sudo cp ovirt01_ca.pem /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors

sudo update-ca-trust extract


openssl s_client -connect ovirte01.penguinpages.local:443 -showcerts < /dev/null

 <snip... lots of key info back>

# Use key during GET list of VMs 

?? <meh?

# Power on VM  <<fubar still>

 curl -X POST https://ovirte01.penguinpages.local/post -H /ovirt-engine/api/vms/ns01/start HTTP/1.1


I just need to power on VM


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