[root@engine2 ~]# gluster volume status Status of volume: gv0 Gluster process TCP Port RDMA Port Online Pid ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Brick engine1.ovirt.forest.go.th:/home/bric k1/gv0 49152 0 Y 7199 Brick engine2.ovirt.forest.go.th:/home/bric k1/gv0 49152 0 Y 26109 NFS Server on localhost 2049 0 Y 20906 Self-heal Daemon on localhost N/A N/A Y 20918 NFS Server on 2049 0 Y 7187 Self-heal Daemon on N/A N/A Y 7194 Task Status of Volume gv0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ There are no active volume tasks Status of volume: gv1 Gluster process TCP Port RDMA Port Online Pid ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Brick engine1.ovirt.forest.go.th:/home/bric k1/gv1 49153 0 Y 7204 Brick engine2.ovirt.forest.go.th:/home/bric k1/gv1 49153 0 Y 32538 Brick engine2.ovirt.forest.go.th:/home/bric k2/gv1 49154 0 Y 32556 NFS Server on localhost 2049 0 Y 20906 Self-heal Daemon on localhost N/A N/A Y 20918 NFS Server on 2049 0 Y 7187 Self-heal Daemon on N/A N/A Y 7194 Task Status of Volume gv1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ There are no active volume tasks [root@engine2 ~]# gluster peer status Number of Peers: 1 Hostname: Uuid: 4c5bb4c3-251f-4724-9add-88124d33b9ad State: Peer in Cluster (Connected) Other names: engine1.ovirt.forest.go.th